Karen's Bird List
Cambodia, Laos & Thailand
December 2000 - January 2001
Here is a list of birds spotted in SE Asia during late December 2000 and January 2001.
It's a disappointingly short list, as there really were few birds to be seen in many of the areas we visited. But of course those that we did see were great!...
There have been
Ashy Minivet
Asian Openbill
Asian Pied Starling
Barn Swallow
Black-Capped Kingfisher
Black Drongo
Black-Winged Stilt
Blue-Eared Kingfisher
Blue-Fronted Robin
Cattle Egret
Chestnut-Bellied Rock Thrush
Collared Kingfisher
Common Myna
Common Sandpiper
Common Starling
Common Tailorbird
Cotton Pygmy Goose
Eurasian Blackbird
Fork-Tailed Sunbird
Fork-Tailed Swift
Greater Coucal
Grey Wagtail
Grey-Headed Lapwing
Hen Harrier
Indian Roller
Intermediate Egret
Javan Pond Heron
Large-Billed Crow
Little Egret
Little Grebe
Little Heron
Little Ringed Plover
Oriental Hobby
Oriental Magpie Robin
Paddyfield Pipit
Peaceful Dove
Pied Fantail
Pied Kingfisher
Plaintive Cuckoo
Red-Breasted Parakeet
Red-Collared Dove
Red-Throated Flycatcher
Red-Whiskered Bulbul
Richard's Pipit
River Lapwing
Scarlet-Backed Flowerpecker
Scarlet-Breasted Flowerpecker
White Wagtail
White-Vented Myna
Yellow Bittern
Yellow-Vented Bulbul
Yellow-Vented Flowerpecker
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