of the Times
Below are some photos Marc took of different signs we saw on our trip. We're both fascinated with language and writing systems, so Thai, Lao and Khmer writing was worthy of many photos!
Also, an election was imminent when we were in Thailand, and you'll see a few pictures of campaign posters.
Finally, the "revolutionary worker" signs in Laos were typical Communist era; not high quality art, but with a clear message. The dilapidated state of the signs is an accurate reflection of Communism in Laos, where grassroots capitalism is rampant!
Hold your cursor over each picture to get a short description.
By the way, in case you were wondering, the background image on this page is from a close-up of Thai writing, from--you guessed it!--a sign we saw somewhere there... ![]()
All right, that's it!
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